Therapist without a waiting list

Waiting lists for psychological help are an ever-increasing problem. Once you’ve decided to seek help, you undoubtedly want to start therapy as soon as possible. But often you have to wait weeks or even months for that. Especially in big cities, your patience can be sorely tested. Fortunately, The Online Therapists has no waiting list. With us, you can start therapy straight away.

  • When it suits you
  • You only need an internet connection
  • Professional therapists
  • No waiting list
  • Skype, mail, chat or, WhatsApp
  • Therapist in your own language
  • Secure online conversation
  • Anywhere in the world

Causes of waiting lists

The average wait time for an appointment with a psychologist is currently 8 to 16 weeks. And if you need a specific treatment, such as EMDR therapy, this can go up to 6 months. (Note: as mentioned above, we have no waiting list thanks to our unique way of working! This allows you to start right away with a free intake interview). The long waiting times in psychology are caused by a combination of factors:

  • Budget cuts: clients who were previously institutionalized are increasingly receiving help in their own environment due to budget cuts. As a result, they end up with care providers providing outpatient care.
  • Increase in the number of people with mental health problems: more and more people are dealing with mental health problems. The number of people requiring outpatient care is therefore increasing at the same time.
  • Administrative burden: psychologists are being given more and more administrative tasks. This means they can spend less time with clients.

Since 2017, the problem of long waiting times has been raised with regularity. The government is therefore trying to improve the situation in various ways. For example, by reducing the administrative burden and releasing finances for training. For the time being, however, the measures are not yet having sufficient effect.

Direct psychological help

At The Online Therapists, you will not end up on a waiting list. If you want psychological help immediately, please contact our application coordinator. Depending on your questions and preferences, the first meeting with the application coordinator often takes place within 1 or 2 days. Then, based on your personality, complaints, and wishes, you will be matched with a therapist who is right for you. In most cases, you will also have an intake meeting with this therapist within 3 or 4 days. If desired, this process can be further accelerated.

Choose your online therapist

Therapist without a waiting list

Do you want to change your situation as soon as possible? Then get in touch with us. Even if you are already on a waiting list, you can contact us to bridge the time. This way you get the help you need when you need it.

Want to get to know us first?

Request an online consultation with one of our trusted online therapists.

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